Hello Dearie,
“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” -Proverbs 23:7
For years, I struggled with stage fright. The mere thought of speaking in front of a group of people filled me with dread. I would imagine all the worst-case scenarios – stumbling on stage, forgetting my points, embarrassing myself beyond repair. It was a paralyzing fear that held me back from reaching my full potential.
But then, something changed. I enrolled in a coaching program where I was challenged to confront the root cause of my fear. I opened up about my fear of stumbling on stage, of making a fool of myself in front of others. And do you know what my coach told me? She said, "So? What if you fall, you will rise and still ace that speaking engagement-by the end of program people would have forgotten that you even fell"
I was so surprised that all the things I was afraid of were not even a big deal
My coach went ahead to give me a practical guide that has been a game changer for me- she told me to take my mind off the initial fear and focus on the positive outcomes I desired, to visualize success instead of failure. She encouraged me to think about the praise and admiration I would receive after a successful speaking engagement – the words of encouragement, the applause, the admiration. And you know what? It worked.
By shifting my focus from fear to possibility, I was able to silence the voices of doubt in my head. I began to visualize myself delivering confident, impactful speeches – and more often than not, those visualizations became reality.
Now, I won't pretend that I don't feel that crippling fear every now and then. It's still a journey, a process that requires patience and persistence. But thanks to the guidance of my coach and the power of positive thinking, I've made tremendous strides.
So, to anyone out there struggling with stage fright or any other form of fear, I want to offer you this advice: Evaluate where your mind is at, refocus your mind on the positives and not the negatives, and imagine the beauty that can come out of that engagement. Remember, you are capable of more than you know. Believe in yourself, focus on the positive, and never be afraid to fall – because when you fall, chances are, you’re the only one making a big deal out of it, so dust the dust off and move!
Here's to facing our fears head-on and embracing the magic that lies on the other side.
Warm regards,
Agnes Onyekwere